Your Wife Isn’t Just a Roommate

You Didn’t Marry Her Just To Split Chores

In the film Before Sunset, one of the characters describes his marriage as feeling like running a daycare with a good friend.

If you’re married with kids, you probably get it.

Sometimes it feels like you’re just managing chaos together … school runs, bills, a house that’s always a mess.

It’s easy to fall into that routine.

But remember, your wife isn’t just a roommate or co-manager of the madness.

Marriages have their ups and downs, and sometimes it feels like you’re just keeping things afloat.

But if that’s all it is, hit pause for a moment.

You didn’t marry her just to split chores or co-parent.

Even in the thick of it, remember to treat her like more than just a roommate.

Love up on her. Surprise her. Take her out.

Regularly remind yourself why you chose her to do life together.

A Great Life Starts By Having A Great Day