You Don’t Have to Do It, But You Should

It's The Small Stuff That Counts

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Nobody’s saying you have to fill her gas tank, wash her car, or take out the trash.

But you should.

It’s the small stuff that counts.

Filling up her tank so she doesn’t have to deal with it after a long day, or cleaning her car so she’s not driving around in a rolling dumpster…

These aren’t huge things, but they show you care.

Same with the trash.

Yeah, she could do it. But why let her?

It’s an easy win.

You’re not being a hero.

Just stepping up and making her life a little easier.

You don’t have to do it, but you should (without making a big deal out of it).

Blue Collar Self HelpBlue-collar wisdom for guys who like to keep it real and get things done without overthinking it. It's self-help that doesn’t feel like self-help.

Forward to someone who will appreciate it.